Birth story | Birth of Levi | Fort Worth birth photographer | Life Diagrams Photography

by - 4:39 PM

Birth of Baby Levi

I got to know Kristen and Jose through of my favorite doula friend Nicole from Instinctive Roots.
This is the Birth Story of their third son.

Today, when I think of empowerment, I think it happens unintentionally. It's when we find ourselves at a vulnerable point in our lives and have to evaluate who we really are.
This mama will always come to mind. When she tackled her anxiety, knowing full well that she was going to have an intense and fast labor.. she persisted and listened to her body.
She prepared herself and delivered a healthy baby, Though no one meant for the midwife to arrive towards the end and get stuck in traffic, it allowed room for Kristen to realize she is more than capable.

If you are expecting - lets connect. I would absolutely love to sit down and talk with you about your birth plans and what it would look like to have me as your birth photographer.

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